Safety Over the years, Council has had to review the safe operation of the units in our condominium. As a result, we have the following rules: A smoke detector is required on each floor of each unit; A fire extinguisher must be located prominently in each unit kitchen; Fires or use of a cooking grill are not allowed on unit decks. The Delaware Fire Code (10.11.7) states that no hibachi, gas fired grill, charcoal grill or other similar devices used for cooking, heating or any other purpose, shall be used or kindled on any balcony or under any overhanging portion or within TEN feet of any structure. The principal source of fires at Pilot Point has been in the free standing fireplaces. Also, renters have caused 90% of these fires. As a result, Council has been encouraging owners to remove these fireplaces. As an inducement, Council has been paying the cost for this removal. To date, approximately 90% of the fireplaces have been removed or altered. A safe alteration is to convert this wood fireplace into an electrical fireplace. If a unit owner does not plan to use his unit during the winter, he should strongly consider winterizing his unit in early November. Plumbers, in the area, are familiar with performing this service. If you plan to use your unit during the winter, Council strongly recommends that each owner consider installing a shut off valve inside of your unit on the cold water entering. Historically, the insulation in many of our units is poor, and has resulted in many freeze-ups with subsequent water damage upon thawing. A shut off valve will permit you to close it on leaving your unit, thus protecting it when you are not in your unit. When you return to your unit, you will be able to know if you have a problem immediately after opening the cold water valve (note that there is a valve in the ground outside of your unit which is located in the cold water meter box). |